Meet the Team!

Dan Esche @DanTheFlyeraFan Co-founder and head writer. Brotherly Pod host

Garrett Parker @Garrett_BP Co-founder

Kevin Thaete @BigKT23 Facebook manager

Manny Benevides @mannybenevides Contributor and Brotherly Pod co-host

Katie Bogan @cl4udegiroux contributor and Brotherly Pod co-host

Noah Caplan @Phylers24 contributor and Brotherly Pod co-host

Dylan Robillard @DylanRobillard_ contributor and Brotherly Pod co-host

Phyllis Ceci @flyersfan1129 contributor and Brotherly Pod co-host

Josh Shuster @flyguyjosh91 contributor

Anthony Spotts @SpottsonGoal contributor

Ryan Novalski @c0ld__soul contributor